Download CV (updated February 2025)
Longer and more complete version available upon request
Academic appointments
University of Trento
Department of Physics
Theoretical and Computational Physics laboratory
Theoretical Gravitation and Cosmology group
Assistant Professor (tenure-track RTDb) of Theoretical Physics
Also affiliated to the Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications (TIFPA)-INFN
University of Cambridge
Kavli Institute for Cosmology (KICC)
Newton-Kavli Fellow
Also affiliated to the Institute of Astronomy (IoA) and the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP)
Homerton College, University of Cambridge
College Research Associate
Stockholm University
Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics (OKC)
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics
Advisors: Prof. Katherine Freese and Prof. Lars Bergström
Thesis: Weigh them all! - Cosmological searches for the neutrino mass scale and mass ordering, ISBN 978-91-7797-729-2
University of Melbourne
Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale (CoEPP)
M.Sc. in Physics
Advisors: Dr. Robert Foot and Prof. Raymond Volkas
University of Trento
B.Sc. in Physics
Advisor: Prof. Valter Moretti
Santa Cecilia Conservatory, Rome
Violin Diploma (equivalent to BA)
Studied under M° Claudio Buccarella
University of Copenhagen
Niels Bohr Institute (NBI)
Long-term visiting researcher
Advisor: Prof. Subir Sarkar
Imperial College London
Theoretical Physics Group
Erasmus student
2023-2034 Italian National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in the competition sector (GSD) 02/PHYS-02 - Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions
2023-2034 Italian National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in the competition sector (GSD) 02/PHYS-05 - Astrophysics and Cosmology
2023 SIGRAV Prize
2022 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship [declined]
2022 Buchalter Cosmology Prize (third prize)
2021 Humboldt Fellowship, Humboldt Foundation [declined]
2021 Alfredo di Braccio Prize, Lincean Academy
2021 Symmetry Young Investigator Award
2020 Springer Thesis Award, Springer Nature
2019 Pio Picchi Prize, Italian Physical Society
2019 Newton-Kavli Fellowship, University of Cambridge
2015 Dean’s Honours List, University of Melbourne
2023 UniTrento Internal Call for Research 2023 grant (135,200.00€, funding the research project “DARKTRACK: Searching for Dark Energy off the beaten track”)
2023 Grant from the Caritro Foundation (70,000.00€, funding the research project “Inflation and dark sector physics in light of next-generation cosmological surveys”, co-PI with Massimiliano Rinaldi and Simony Santos da Costa)
2021 Grant from the Foundation Blanceflor Boncompagni Ludovisi, née Bildt (100,000.00 SEK, funding the research project “DECODE: Direct Detection of Dark Energy”)
Receiving the Alfredo di Braccio Prize from Nobel Prize winner Giorgio Parisi in 2021
Receiving the SIGRAV Prize from then SIGRAV President Stefano Liberati in 2023
POSTDOC MENTORING AND student supervision
2024-present Guan-Wen Yuan (University of Trento)
2024-present Marco Calzà (University of Trento)
2024-present Simony Santos da Costa (University of Trento; Caritro Fellow)
PhD students
2024 Jun-Qian Jiang, co-advisor (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; free mover PhD student, University of Trento)
2023-present Davide Pedrotti, main advisor (University of Trento)
2019-2022 Isabelle Tanseri (Stockholm University; main advisor: Prof. Katherine Freese)
→subsequent position: Jr Data Analyst at Facility Labs AB, Stockholm
MSc students or equivalent
2024-present Marco Bella, main advisor (University of Trento)
2024-present Leonardo Comini, main advisor (University of Trento)
2024-present Mattia Scotto, main advisor (University of Trento)
2023-2024 Giovanni Piccoli, main advisor (University of Trento)
→subsequent position: PhD student at the University of Zurich
2022-2023 Davide Pedrotti, main advisor (University of Trento and University of Tübingen; co-advisor: Prof. Kostas Kokkotas)
→subsequent position: PhD student at the University of Trento
2020-2021 Alexander Reeves, main advisor (University of Cambridge; co-advisors: Prof. George Efstathiou and Prof. Blake Sherwin)
→subsequent position: PhD student at ETH Zürich
BSc students
2024-present Alessandro La Sala, main advisor (University of Trento)
2025-present Giada Daldoss, main advisor (University of Trento)
academic service
2024 Member of the Physics PhD admissions committee, University of Trento
2024-today Member of the Executive Committee of the Physics Doctoral School, University of Trento
2023-today Member of the Teaching Committee, Department of Physics, University of Trento
2023 Member of the Committee for admission to the third year of the doctoral school
2023-today Member of the Physics Doctoral School Committee, University of Trento
2022-today Member of the Physics Department Board, University of Trento
2021-2022 Member of the IoA Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee, University of Cambridge
2020-2021 Organizer of the Cosmology Lunch seminar series, University of Cambridge
2017-2018 Convener of the OKC Cosmology and Gravity Working Group, Stockholm University
2014 Elected Postgraduate Physics Students’ Society secretary, University of Melbourne
2014 Elected Physics Academic Programs Committee member, University of Melbourne
2013 Elected Physics Staff Student Liaison Committee member, University of Melbourne
SERVICE as referee and editor
2024-present Reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation, Israel
2023-present Reviewer for FONDECYT, Chile
2022-present Editor of Physics of the Dark Universe (Elsevier)
2021 Scientific consultant for The Secrets of the Universe, children popular science book in the Very Short Introductions for Curious Young Minds series (Oxford University Press)
2020-2022 Member of the editorial board of Universe (MDPI)
2019-2022 Member of the editorial board of Experimental Results (Cambridge University Press)
2019-2022 Member of the editorial board of Advances in High Energy Physics (Hindawi)
2019-2022 Lead guest editor for the special issue “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Particle Physics, Cosmology, and Experimental Searches” of Universe (MDPI)
2016-present Referee for most of the major journals in cosmology, astrophysics, and high-energy physics, including Nat. Astron., Nat. Comm., PRL, PRD, PLB, MNRAS, ApJ, JCAP, JHEP, CQG, PDU, EPJC. See my Web of Science profile for more details on my reviewing activity.
SERVICE AS THESIS committee member
2024 Examiner for the PhD thesis of Riccardo Della Monica (University of Salamanca; advisors: Prof. Ivan de Martino & Prof. Fernando Atrio Barandela)
2024 Opponent for MSc thesis discussion of Filippo Mazzini (University of Trento; advisor: Prof. Albino Perego)
2024 Opponent for MSc thesis discussion of Pietro Paolo Gambelli (University of Trento; advisors: Prof. Roberto Battiston & Dr. Mirko Piersanti)
2024 Opponent for MSc thesis discussion of Alessandra Accettola (University of Trento; advisor: Prof. Raffaello Potestio)
2023 Opponent for MSc thesis discussion of Francesco Venturelli (University of Trento; advisor: Prof. William J. Weber)
2023 External committee member for the PhD thesis discussion of Tiziano Schiavone (University of Pisa; advisors: Prof. Giovanni Marozzi, Prof. Giovanni Montani, & Dr. Giuseppe Fanizza)
2023 Opponent for MSc thesis discussion of Víctor Alexander Torres (University of Trento; advisors: Prof. Albino Perego & Prof. Enrico Barausse)
2023 Committee member for the BSc thesis discussion (prova finale) of Lavinia Feliciangeli (University of Trento; advisor: Prof. Massimiliano Rinaldi)
ACADEMIC memberships
2023-present Lifetime member of the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation
2022-present Member of the CosmoVerse COST Action
2022-present Member of EuCAPT (European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory)
2021-present Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society
2014-present Member of the Italian Physical Society
2023 Universe Today outreach interview
2023 Organizer and volunteer for Notte della Ricerca (European Researchers’ Night), Trento
2023 Physics Frontiers outreach interview (Youtube Random Questions episode)
2022 Acaudio outreach interview
2021 Invited outreach webinar “La forma dell’Universo: piatto o chiuso?” (in Italian), Associazione AstronomiAmo (amateur astronomers association) [video]
2019-2022 Member of the production team for the University of Cambridge Institute of Astronomy’s podcast (Astropod)
2019 Organizer and volunteer for AstroFika (Ask an Astronomer), Stockholm
2018 Organizer and volunteer for ForskarFredag (European Researchers’ Night), Stockholm
selected press coverage
My research has been covered in various popular science magazines, global news websites, and blogs from all over the world. Below are links to selected press coverage of my research work:
Unos científicos afirman que están a punto demostrar la existencia de la quinta fuerza de la naturaleza gracias a los datos obtenidos en un asteroide (in Spanish), Esquire
El mayor descubrimiento cosmológico del siglo: ¿qué paso antes del Big Bang? (in Spanish), El Confidencial
Black hole images deliver a deathblow to alternative theory of gravity, Advanced Science News
A near-Earth asteroid offers clues to one dark matter theory, Science News
Asteroid dust: in search of the 'fifth force', UniTrentoMag
Can an Asteroid's Movements Reveal a New Force in the Universe?, Universe Today
This Asteroid May Help Reveal a Fifth Fundamental Force in The Universe, ScienceAlert
Asteroides como Bennu o Apofis podrían tener la clave de una quinta fuerza de la naturaleza (in Spanish), ABC
Les astéroïdes pourraient nous révéler une cinquième force dans l’Univers (in French), Sciencepost
Near-Earth asteroid data help probe possible fifth force in universe,
Near-Earth asteroid data helps probe possible fifth force of the universe, Los Alamos National Laboratory press release (re-posted by hundreds of news outlets throughout the world, see Altmetric)
Dark Matter Could Be Hiding Out as Atom-Sized Black Holes, Scientific American
A neutrino mass mismatch could shake cosmology’s foundations, Science News
Something Is Wrong with Dark Energy, Physicists Say, Scientific American
Crisis in Cosmology: The Laniakea Supercluster, and what it means for the Universe, University of Edinburgh Science Media
Con Laniakea la tensione di Hubble sale (in Italian), Media INAF
Meet our scientists: Sunny Vagnozzi, CosmoVerse
La prueba de la existencia del Big Bang que se puede ver a simple vista (in Spanish), El Confidencial
Do we live in a giant void? It could solve the puzzle of the universe’s expansion, The Conversation
Kosmologie im Härtetest (in German), Bild der Wissenschaft
Un nuevo estudio pone en duda a Einstein y lo que sabemos sobre la expansión del universo (in Spanish), El Confidencial
If you account for the Laniakea supercluster, the Hubble tension might be even larger,
If you account for the Laniakea supercluster, the Hubble tension might be even larger, Universe Today
The universe’s puzzlingly fast expansion may defy explanation, cosmologists fret, Science
A Sunny Vagnozzi il premio Sigrav (in Italian), UniTrentoMag
It's going to take more than early dark energy to resolve the Hubble tension,
It’s going to take more than early dark energy to resolve the Hubble tension, Universe Today
25 years after its discovery, dark energy remains frustratingly elusive,
Scientists Want to Use Asteroids to Search for Hidden “Fifth Force”, Vice
"Fondo di gravitoni": lo studio di Vagnozzi (UniTN) e del collega Loeb apre una nuova porta per falsificare il paradigma più accreditato sulla formazione dell'Universo (in Italian), Il Dolomiti
Si può escludere l’inflazione cosmica? (in Italian), Media INAF
Dubbi sulla nascita del cosmo: nel team anche un ricercatore dell'Università di Trento (in Italian), La voce del Trentino
Vagnozzi (UniTN) a caccia di gravitoni primordiali per falsificare l’inflazione cosmica (in Italian),
Se cuestiona el inicio del Universo como estallido (in Spanish), La Nación
¿Y si el Big Bang no fuera lo que nos han dicho? (in Spanish), ABC
Can Cosmic Inflation – and the Big Bang – Be Ruled Out?, SciTechDaily
Can cosmic inflation be ruled out?,
Can cosmic inflation be ruled out?, joint Cambridge-Harvard press release (re-posted by hundreds of news outlets throughout the world, see Altmetric)
Brilliant minds at Eddington: Sunny Vagnozzi, Eddington Cambridge news
The Hubble Constant: Tension and Release, Sky & Telescope
La fuerza del sector oscuro (in Spanish), Astrobitos
Dr. Sunny Vagnozzi and Prof. Anne-Christine Davis awarded the 2021 Buchalter Cosmology Prize, University of Cambridge press release
AAS Names Recipients of 2022 Awards & Prizes, American Astronomical Society news
On the road to dark energy (with chameleons), Plus Magazine
On the road to dark energy, University of Cambridge Faculty of Mathematics news
Signal From The XENON1T Experiment May Be A Hallmark Of Dark Energy, Forbes
Direct Detection of Dark Energy, AZoQuantum (Thought Leaders interview)
Have we detected dark energy?, Institute of Arts and Ideas news
Bagliori d’energia oscura nel cuore del Gran Sasso (in Italian), Media INAF
Potremmo aver rilevato l’energia oscura per caso, cercando altro (in Italian), Wired Italia
Da Latina e Terracina fino all’energia oscura dell’Universo (in Italian), Latina Tu
¿Ha causado la Energía Oscura los extraños resultados del experimento XENON1T? (in Spanish), ABC
Scientists may have accidentally detected dark energy, CTV News
Explained: What is dark energy, and have scientists finally detected it?, Indian Express
Et si la première particule d’énergie noire s’était manifestée… (in French), Le Point
Vient-on de détecter la première particule d'énergie sombre... dans un détecteur de matière noire? (in French), Sciences et Avenir
A Particle Physics Experiment Might Have Directly Observed Dark Energy, Universe Today
Did Scientists Just Detect Dark Energy? A New Model Suggests a Major Breakthrough, Interesting Engineering
Ciemna energia istnieje? We Włoszech zaobserwowano tajemnicze zjawisko (in Polish), National Geographic Poland
XENON1T Experiment May Have Directly Detected Dark Energy,
Buscando materia oscura, podrían haber descubierto energía oscura (in Spanish), El Periódico and various other Spanish newspapers
Have we detected dark energy? Scientists say it's a possibility,
Have we detected dark energy? Cambridge scientists say it’s a possibility, University of Cambridge press release (re-posted by hundreds of news outlets throughout the world, see Altmetric)
Newton-Kavli Fellow Sunny Vagnozzi jointly awarded the “Alfredo di Braccio” Prize by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Lincean Academy), KICC news
Can we see dark energy from Earth? New experiments offer hope,
Insight from the Oldest Objects in the Universe, Astrobites
Community profile: Sunny Vagnozzi, EuCAPT blog
Eppur è piatto? Così l’universo torna euclideo? (in Italian), Media INAF
Medindo a curvatura do Universo com relógios cósmicos (in Portuguese), Astropontos
Measuring the curvature of the Universe with cosmic clocks, AAS Nova and Astrobites
Zoos, Swamplands and Cosmology, Astrobites
Astronomers can’t decide what the Sun is made of, The Atlantic
Di che cosa è fatto il Sole e quando morirà? (in Italian), Le Scienze (Italian version of Scientific American)
What is the Sun made of and when will it die?, Quanta Magazine
En masse svarende til 1.500 jordkloder er forsvundet fra Solen (in Danish), Jyllands-Posten
On a perdu on morceau du Soleil (in French), L’Express
Hiding in plain sight: the mystery of the Sun’s missing matter, New Scientist