William Giarè wins STSM grant to visit Trento

We’ll have visitors soon: William Giarè, currently a postdoc at the University of Sheffield, has won a COST short-term scientific mission (STSM) within the CosmoVerse COST Action, which will allow him to visit the University of Trento! COST STSM grants are individual mobility and collaboration grants which are aimed towards fostering collaborations between researchers within a given COST Action. William will be visiting Trento at some point in March, and we plan on finalizing and starting up a number of projects, broadly related to the subject of cosmological tensions, ranging from the nature of dark energy, to the S8 tension “done properly” (I guess you’ll have to wait to see what we mean). We have several interesting things we want to discuss, and I look forward to the visit! Congratulations William!