Non-parametric expansion history reconstruction and Hubble tension after DESI

I’m particularly excited and proud about today’s paper, which is the first one written entirely and exclusively with members of my group: visiting PhD student Jun-Qian Jiang (who did all the heavy lifting), PhD student Davide Pedrotti, and postdoc Simony Santos da Costa. What we did has been to perform a non-parametric reconstruction of the late-time expansion history in light of DESI BAO data, combined with various SNeIa datasets, using both interpolation and Gaussian Process reconstruction techniques, and studying implications for the Hubble tension. We find that the shape of the expansion history cannot deviate more than 10% from that of ΛCDM, but within that 10% we find interesting deviations which could hint to a non-monotonic/oscillatory behaviour of the expansion rate (and therefore of the dark energy component). I really believe that this can be a pretty important paper, as it represents a much needed revisitation in light of DESI of two seminal papers in the expansion history reconstrcution and Hubble tension literature: the famous “Trouble with H0” paper by Bernal, Verde, & Riess, and the equally famous Sounds discordant” paper by Aylor and collaborators. You can read our results in the preprint we just posted on arXiv: 2408.02365.