My paper with Misba Afrin and Sushant Ghosh on Loop Quantum Gravity and the shadow of Sgr A*, which I previously reported on in an earlier news item, has now officially been published in ApJ! The full bibliographic coordinates for the paper are Astrophys. J. 944 (2023) 149. Here is the link to the paper (which is published Open Access).
LQG and Sgr A* paper accepted in ApJ!
The year is off to a truly great start research-wise: my paper with Misba Afrin and Sushant Ghosh, where we test two Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG, which is an interesting candidate framework for quantum gravity)-inspired rotating black hole space-times against the Event Horizon Telescope image of Sgr A*, the black hole at the center of our galaxy, has just been accepted for publication in ApJ! We use the size and shape of the shadow to place limits on a parameter which basically quantifies the strength of LQG effects. Our bounds are of course comparatively weak, but at the same time are interesting as a proof of principle given that there are very few ways (if any at all!) to test LQG from the observational point of view. And kudos to Misba, an outstanding PhD student at Jamia Millia Islamia, who did basically all the heavy-lifting on this paper! You can find the preprint version of the paper on arXiv: 2209.12584.