For the next two days we have the pleasure of hosting Prof. Marc Henneaux, a renown theoretical physicist from Collège de France. Marc is here as visiting chair within the University of Trento-College de France visiting chair program (similarly to Prof. Françoise Combes last year). He will be delivering two seminars by the title of “Ultrarelativistic Limits of Gravity and Carroll Group” and a colloquium by the title of “Asymptotic Symmetries in Gauge Theories with Emphasis on Gravity”. Welcome Marc!
Visit by Françoise Combes
For the next two days we have the pleasure of hosting Prof. Françoise Combes, a renown astrophysicist from Collège de France. Françoise is here as visiting chair within the University of Trento-College de France visiting chair program. She will be delivering a seminar by the title of “Black Holes and Active Galaxy Nuclei” and a colloquium by the title of “The Puzzle of Dark Matter”. With the rest of our group we had a nice lunch together at Orostube in Povo, where the carbonara pizza I ate was particularly good and worthy of a picture! Welcome Françoise!