ERC Starting Grant

Internal Call for Research 2023 grant application

I just submitted an application for an UniTrento Internal Call for Research 2023 grant, funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT). I based my scientific case largely on the ERC StG application I submitted last year, obviously after taking into account reviewer feedback. I should hear back in October and, if successful, this would allow me to hire a couple of postdocs - I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

ERC Starting Grant evaluation report

Today I received the evaluation report for Step 1 of my ERC Starting Grant application, which was unsurprisingly unsuccessful - as I promised in an earlier news item, I have decided to openly report the outcome of the evaluation to help normalize otherwise taboo discussions about lack of success in academia. I received a “B” (proposal of high quality but not sufficient to pass to Step 2 of the evaluation), which means I am blocked from applying for a further year. The comments from the 4 reviewers were actually extremely positive (their ratings included 7 “exceptional”, 3 “excellent”, and 2 “very good”), and the high-risk high-gain nature of the project was clearly appreciated. The main issue identified by more than one reviewers was that I probably put too much at once - a subset of the proposal focusing on 2/3 of the ideas I put out there would probably have stood a much better chance. This was a very useful experience, the reviewer comments were very helpful and I have to say somewhat reassuring, so at this point there’s not much more I can do than roll up my sleeves, while looking forward to trying again in 2024 taking this feedback into account!

ERC Starting Grant application submitted!

Right on the deadline, I submitted my ERC Starting Grant application. Obviously I chose Trento as host and, albeit much less obviously, “TRENTO” as acronym.* It was a huge amount of work and, I won’t lie, I know the chances of even just making it to the interview stage are meager to say the least. However, I have decided that I will openly report the outcome of the evaluation here in this news section, for a simple reason: in academia there is a tendency to only discuss one’s successes, whereas openly talking about one’s insuccesses is considered somewhat of a “taboo”. I hope that by openly discussing a (likely) failure/insuccess, I will help normalizing this type of discussions which, while often done in oral form, are rarely done in written form - I believe this can only make for a healthier community (I’ll note I have been prompted also by Natalie Hogg’s excellent blog, which I regularly read and highly recommend, and which does not shy away from openly discussing lack of success). So, regardless of the outcome, I will get back with an update on this in March, while in the meantime enjoying a deserved break!

*Just because it already worked once: my successful Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship application, which would have been hosted by the University of Padova had I not declined it, indeed had “PADOVA” as acronym.