FLAG Christmas meeting

Today and tomorrow Trento is hosting the usual Christmas meeting of the INFN FLAG iniziativa specifica, and on the occasion I will be giving a talk on “Five brief lessons on the Hubble tension” (whose slides you can find here). The meeting is typically held in Bologna just before Christmas, but this year it takes place in Trento under exceptional circumstances. Looking forward to seeing many familiar faces again (including our high-profile guest speaker and former Trento student Marco Peloso!), and to a nice dinner at Trattoria Piedicastello!

Associated to TIFPA-INFN

As of today I’m officially associated to INFN, the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics. I’m associated through our local TIFPA center, which stands for “Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications”. In particular, I’ll be a member of the FLAG Iniziativa Specifica, which stands for “Quantum Fields in Gravity, Cosmology and Black Holes”, and focuses on a number of themes which include early-Universe cosmology and black hole physics. Looking forward to many interesting discussions which will come out of this, especially from FLAG!