Impact factor

New impact factor for Physics of the Dark Universe

Physics of the Dark Universe, the journal for which I am Editor, performed once again very well at the 2024 release of the annual Journal Citation Reports. Our updated impact factor (IF) for 2023 is 5.0 (the number reflects works published in 2021 and 2022, so still before my time)! This number has gone a bit down from our 2022 one, which was 5.5, yet remains high for the standards of the field. In fact, we are competitive with the other top-tier journals in cosmology and high-energy physics, such as PRD (4.6), PLB (4.3), JCAP (5.3), ApJ (4.8), and MNRAS (4.7), whose IFs all fall in the 4.5-5.5 ballpark. Huge thank you to everyone who helped us grow!

New impact factor for Physics of the Dark Universe

The 2023 release of the annual Journal Citation Reports from Clarivate Analytics has now been made public, and with it the updated impact factors (IFs) for several journals. I am thrilled to announce that the journal of which I am Editor, Physics of the Dark Universe, performed extremely well, with a 2022 IF of 5.5! For the full list of IFs, see this document. This confirms once more the high impact of papers published in PDU, which places us at a level comparable to journals such as PRD (5.0), PLB (4.4), JCAP (6.4), ApJ (4.9), and MNRAS (4.8), just to mention a few. Please consider submitting your next paper to PDU!