Jun-Qian Jiang

Farewell to Jun-Qian Jiang

Today we say farewell to Jun-Qian Jiang, who after an extremely successful 6 months as a long-term visiting PhD student, is returning to China (below is a picture from our farewell pizza dinner at Doc: from left to right we have Simony Santos da Costa, Marco Calzà, Guan-Wen Yuan, Jun-Qian Jiang, and yours sincerely). Jun-Qian’s time here was extremely productive, with 3 very interesting papers, many more in the making, and several key contributions to my group’s activities, for which his arrival was extremely important. Thanks a lot Jun-Qian for everything you taught me, and have a nice trip back to China!

Jun-Qian Jiang joins my group!

I’m very happy to welcome my latest group member, Jun-Qian Jiang (江俊钱)! Jun-Qian is currently a PhD student at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Yun-Song Piao, and has been doing a lot of interesting and very diversified work in the fields of cosmological tensions, inflation, gravitational waves, and so on. He joins my group for the next 6 months as a long-term visiting PhD student. We still have to figure out what we will be working on, but it likely will have to do with cosmological tensions and possibly implications for inflation. Welcome Jun-Qian, and I hope you will enjoy your stay in Italy!