La Grotta

Visit by Luca Visinelli

And we have more visitors: Luca Visinelli from Shanghai Jiao Tong University will also be here for the next two days! Luca is a close collaborator of mine (he is in fact the person with whom I have the most papers in common, with the reverse also holding), and is a very well-known scientist with broad research interests spanning dark matter, dark energy, and black holes. We’ll take the opportunity to catch up on the many projects we have ongoing, and Luca will also deliver a seminar by the title of “The interplay of primordial black holes and particle dark matter”. To celebrate Luca’s birthday, we enjoyed a nice dinner together with Anjan (see below) at La Grotta, one of my favorite restaurants in Trento. It’s very nice to have people travelling and visiting once more, it was definitely something I had missed during the pandemic!