Quantum Gravity

Visit by Davide Racco and Flaminia Giacomini

For the next days we have the pleasure of hosting Davide Racco and Flaminia Giacomini, who are visiting us from Zurich (respectively from the University of Zurich+ETH, and ETH). Both are very well-known researchers with interests at the intersection of particle physics and cosmology (Davide) and at the interface between quantum theory/quantum information and gravity (Flaminia). They will be giving seminars by the titles of “Insights on fundamental physics from Gravitational Wave backgrounds” and “Quantum effects in gravity from a delocalised quantum source” . Welcome Davide and Flaminia!

Visit by Benjamin Knorr

This week we have the pleasure to host Benjamin Knorr, currently a postdoc at NORDITA and arguably one of the world experts on asymptotic safety, a highly non-trivial generalization of the idea of perturbative renormalization. Benjamin also delivered a very nice talk by the title of “Asymptotic safety meets field redefinitions”. Welcome Benjamin!