For the next days we have the pleasure of hosting Davide Racco and Flaminia Giacomini, who are visiting us from Zurich (respectively from the University of Zurich+ETH, and ETH). Both are very well-known researchers with interests at the intersection of particle physics and cosmology (Davide) and at the interface between quantum theory/quantum information and gravity (Flaminia). They will be giving seminars by the titles of “Insights on fundamental physics from Gravitational Wave backgrounds” and “Quantum effects in gravity from a delocalised quantum source” . Welcome Davide and Flaminia!
Visit by Benjamin Knorr
This week we have the pleasure to host Benjamin Knorr, currently a postdoc at NORDITA and arguably one of the world experts on asymptotic safety, a highly non-trivial generalization of the idea of perturbative renormalization. Benjamin also delivered a very nice talk by the title of “Asymptotic safety meets field redefinitions”. Welcome Benjamin!