Teaching feedback

Teaching feedback

I just received the feedback from students of the courses I delivered last semester (again General Physics I part 2 and Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics). As with last year, the feedback was excellent, with a satisfaction index of 100% (which in turn gives me lots of satisfaction): particularly appreciated were my efforts to develop the students’ physical intuition, which is something I indeed consistently pay particular attention with. Again, these positive comments will motivate me to do even better next time (when I will also be taking over the Special Relativity course, after decades during which Luciano Vanzo taught it - a rather big pair of shoes to fill)!

Teaching feedback

I just received the feedback from students of the courses I delivered last semester (General Physics I part 2 and Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics). The feedback was excellent, with a satisfaction index of 100%! Given the amount of work I put into preparing the courses, and the enthuasism I tried to instill, I was really happy to read the students’ comments, especially for the Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics aka Cosmology course (see below) - the students really appeared to appreciate my efforts to always help them not lose sight of the big picture, even when the latter risked being obscured by the complexity of the calculations (especially when it came to deriving the Boltzmann equations). I do indeed find it important (not only in my work but also in my research) to, so to say, “not lose sight of the forest for the trees”. I found the feedback really rewarding, and the comments will motivate me to do even better in the coming semesters!