Stay at home (if you can)

This is quite different from all my previous posts. However, as many who read this blog are academics who have the luxury of (mostly) being able to work from home, I’m trying to spread the message that you should work from/stay at home if you have the possibility. I’m not an epidemiologist nor a virologist, but I know a thing or two about data analysis, including the difference between exponential and logistic growth, and I have looked at the COVID-19 contagion data (whether you believe the data is credible or not, for instance I don’t find the UK or Japan’s data credible, but that’s a different story). And what we’ve learned from China (and hopefully Italy soon) is that social distancing measures need to be implemented as soon as possible if we want the growth rate to slow down from exponential.

I come from Italy, a country which as everyone most likely knows is undergoing a nation-wide lockdown which will likely have severe economic consequences. Italy would never have done made such a drastic decision if it weren’t in the best long-term interests of the country. And I am shocked to see how other major European countries are not taking this seriously (I will not name any country to avoid unnecessary controversies) at all. If you have the possibility, please consider staying at home and working from home (again, I know this is not easy for everyone, especially those with children), and taking social distancing measures seriously.

On a side note, if you live in the UK and you believe that the UK government (and one moron in particular - not naming anyone!) have been underestimating the situation, please take a moment to sign this petition - unless, of course, you are happy with the not-so-remote possibility of losing your loved ones before their time, in which case I can only wish you good luck.