
Away note 3

Away note 3

As all ordinary mortals, I too need to take holidays, especially this year with all the stuff that’s been going on. Therefore this note is to inform my regular readers that I will be gone for the next 5 weeks, the first 3 of which I plan on spending enjoying the nice playa you see above,* and the next 2 of which I will spend on the Cosmology from Home conference (so virtually away). During these 5 weeks I will take a much needed break from work and from my blog, so my Week 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36 arXiv summaries will not appear. I plan to return for Week 37 around September 13, so stay tuned! Until then, happy holidays to those of you who also plan on taking holidays, and if not, enjoy your time and stay safe wherever you are!

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog (for details on why it was posthumously called the way it is called - His Dark CMBlog - please see my later post)! If you want to find out more about me, or simply associate a face to my name, the rest of this website will probably be of help. In my blog I plan to write about a wide variety of topics I am interested in, ranging from physics (ok, mostly cosmology and related areas) to music, football, travels, cooking, and so on, pretty much everything except politics.