I was recently interviewed by Emily Conover for Science News on the puzzling status of cosmological neutrino mass constraints after DESI, with part of the discussion motivated by my recent paper on the topic. It was very nice to chat with an amazing and tremendously well-known journalist such as Emily (whose pieces I highly recommend)! Her extremely nice piece appeared today and, besides from myself, contains quotes from a number of well-known scientists, including Licia Verde, Dan Green, Willem Elbers, as well as my friends and colleagues Miguel Escudero and Eleonora Di Valentino. You can read the full article here:
I had great fun talking to Emily, and I hope you enjoy the interview!
CosmoVerse interview
As part of CosmoVerse’s “Meet our scientists” initiative, today I was interviewed on a number of things, both physics-related and non. You can read the interview here, and the answer to the last question may be particularly interesting for tennis fans!
Universe Today interview
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Fraser Cain, publisher of Universe Today, for his well-known Universe Today Podcast YouTube channel. We mostly talked about my seven hints paper (at a level I would say accessible to those within the general public who are interested in cosmology and keep up at a popular science level with what is going on in the field), as well as a few other things including my current research obsessions (spoiler: it has to do with dark energy). The video interview is now available on YouTube, and you can find it here, or if you prefer you can listen to it on Spotify. In the frame below, I was clearly very amused by something Fraser had just said, whereas he was equally surprised by what I had just said 😄 It was really great fun chatting with Fraser, and I hope you enjoy the interview!
Science Magazine interview
I was recently interviewed by Adrian Cho for Science Magazine on the current status of the Hubble tension and what could solve it, with part of the discussion motivated by my seven hints paper. Adrian’s extremely nice piece appeared today and, besides from myself, contains quotes from a number of well-known scientists, including Adam Riess, Tanvi Karwal, Johannes Eskilt, Ryan Keeley, Marc Kamionkowski, and Samuel Goldstein. You can read the full article here:
I had great fun talking to Adrian, and I hope you enjoy the interview!
Notte della Ricerca 2023
I had great fun taking part in the Notte della Ricerca (European Researchers’ Night - an Europe-wide public outreach event, meant to explain science and its impact to the public in fun and inspiring ways) at MUSE, the Science Museum of Trento. Together with Max Rinaldi and Chiara Cecchini (Max’s PhD student) we prepared four very simple posters, each related to one of our research themes: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Black Holes, and the CMB. No words, just pictures, the idea being that of getting people curious and encouraging them to come and talk to us about our work. It definitely worked, and we got tons of people of all ages and backgrounds asking us all sorts of questions, many of which related to white holes (somewhat unsurprisingly I would say). Despite my throat being very sore from all the talking, it was a truly fun night, and I hope we inspired some of the younger minds to come and study physics!
Media coverage for asteroid paper
Our work the use of asteroids to search for fifth forces has been picked up by Vice, who interviewed first author Yu-Dai Tsai. You can read their piece here:
Physics Frontiers Random Questions interview on YouTube
The Random Questions video interview associated to the Physics Frontiers podcast episode on my primordial graviton background paper, which I previously reported on in an earlier news item, has now been published on YouTube. You can find it here, where you can listen to Jim and I discuss a few (truly) random things, from the way I get my ideas, to my career, to culture shock, and so on. I hope you will enjoy it!
Physics Frontiers podcast episode on the primordial graviton background
In early December 2022 I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Jim Rantschler for his well-known Physics Frontiers podcast, where we talked about my primordial graviton background paper, other stuff in physics, and life in general. The podcast episode is now officially out, and you can find it here, or if you prefer on Spotify. There will also be an associated Random Questions video interview which will appear on the podcast’s YouTube channel in the coming weeks. It was great fun chatting to Jim, and I hope you enjoy the interview!