White holes

Notte della Ricerca 2023

I had great fun taking part in the Notte della Ricerca (European Researchers’ Night - an Europe-wide public outreach event, meant to explain science and its impact to the public in fun and inspiring ways) at MUSE, the Science Museum of Trento. Together with Max Rinaldi and Chiara Cecchini (Max’s PhD student) we prepared four very simple posters, each related to one of our research themes: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Black Holes, and the CMB. No words, just pictures, the idea being that of getting people curious and encouraging them to come and talk to us about our work. It definitely worked, and we got tons of people of all ages and backgrounds asking us all sorts of questions, many of which related to white holes (somewhat unsurprisingly I would say). Despite my throat being very sore from all the talking, it was a truly fun night, and I hope we inspired some of the younger minds to come and study physics!