Top arXiv papers from Week 27, 2020

Top arXiv papers from Week 27, 2020

End-of-the-week wrap covering the historical first ever detection of CNO neutrinos by Borexino, the ingredients required for a modified gravity theory to replace dark matter, and how to search for new light particles using the black hole mass gap.

Top arXiv papers from Week 26, 2020

Top arXiv papers from Week 26, 2020

End of the week wrap-up, which discusses how early dark energy runs into trouble when confronted against large-scale structure full-shape galaxy power spectrum data (with a social injustice metaphor related to bad practices when trying to solve the H0 tension), the puzzling origin of GW190814, and a good ambulance chasing paper which turns XENON1T into a machine to set precise constraints on non-standard neutrino interactions.