This week’s post covers ultralight axions and galaxy clustering, using heavy elements to probe inelastic dark matter, and constraining primordial black holes from the dynamics of Neptune. Enjoy!
Top arXiv papers from Week 48, 2020
This week’s entry looks at the first measurement of the cosmic birefringence angle from the CMB, the generation of large primordial non-Gaussianity from Higgs-induced modulated reheating, and a quasi-model-independent inference of the Hubble constant and the late-time expansion. Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers!
Top arXiv papers from Week 46, 2020
This week’s entry deals with new measurements of the Deuterium-to-Helium-3 cross-section with extremely important implications for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and two papers on axion-photon conversion (and vice-versa) in astrophysical environments. A heads-up that next week’s blog installment will likely be cancelled due to personal reasons (see here). Enjoy!
Top arXiv papers from Week 27, 2020
Top arXiv papers from Week 16, 2020
This week’s entry discusses two papers on shadows (one in relation to superradiance, and one in relation to naked singularities), and one paper addressing the important question of how model-independent BAO measurements are. Following the discussion of the third paper, I have included a long-ish bonus discussion on what my opinion is on this whole BAO model-independence business (some readers might find the discussion provocative, if so that was not my intention). Enjoy!